Engaging with employers; STS visits Kingswood team at Dearne Valley
As part of our drive to work closely with our employers, STS held a training day last month for some of the Kingsoowd team at their Dearne Valley centre headed up by Brian Kitson who was keen to pilot this new initiative so his team can better understand the requirements of the apprenticeship through the eyes of an employer but with a key focus on the End Point Assessment.
Brian introduced the day to the Dearne Team stating ‘it’s really important that we understand what the apprentices will be assessed on and the full requirements of the EPA, if we don’t understand it as the employer then how can we support our apprentices and help them achieve their full potential’.
Steve Randles (Education and Apprenticeship Manager) from STS hosted the day supported by Shona McLean (Training Specialist) with a mixture of discussions, presentations, session planning activities, delivering a session and taking part in a professional discussion as a team to really understand all elements of the EPA.
The session started with an initial knowledge test taken by all which was repeated at the end of the day to better understand the knowledge gained. Following a discussion around the outcomes and requirements of the EPA, the team sat in exam conditions as would be expected by an apprentice to write a session plan before being split into two teams to deliver a session that should be linked to the assessment criteria and the outcomes linked to the apprenticeship’s Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours.